Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) - Landscape with ploughman
Nuenen, Summer-Autumn estimated 1885
On this website you will find information about the painting "Landscape with ploughman".
Based on scientific research and convincing clues, we have come to the conclusion, that the researched painting
„Landscape with ploughman”, probably Nuenen, Summer-Autumn estimated 1885,
is an authentic work by the hand of Vincent van Gogh.
This painting was purchased 1987 at an art auction in a Notarishuis in the Netherlands. Back then, nobody tried at first to get the painting properly examined by experts. Instead, the painting was immediately put up on auction. Therefore, we present our scientific documentation about the painting to all art enthusiasts and those interested in Art History and Art Science and hope that it will be read and studied with great interest.
Please feel free to tell us your suggestions, ideas and questions.
Maria Ostrowska, Zbigniew Ostrowski